be the supreme master of the prosperity and power ungratefully, forgetting the efficacy of Karma, it will soon create rivals and render the Jiva penurious and, in consequence, he will have to knock about from door to door like a helpless and dejected beggar.
It did not take much time for the fame and influence of Indra, the Vidyadhar king of Ratanupur to spread everywhere and to make people deem him a rival to Mahendra. When Mali, the king of Lanka heard about Indra's fame, he was deeply shocked. The news reached him as a bolt from the blue. It was as if someone had unknowingly dealt a deadly blow to his pride. He grew wild with rage. He could not bear to see Indra, the Vidyadhar king reigning supreme as a rival to Mahendra; and he could not bear with his fame and influence; and so, soon, he made preparations for a war against Indra. The arrogance and power of Indra, the king of Vidyadhars posed a challenge to his tremendous militaric powers and his vast army; so, he decided to fight a war against Indra, the king of the Vidyadhars. Soon, war-drums were beaten; and trumpets were blown. The ear-cracking noise of the bugles began to reverberate throughout the skies and the Pathala, the nether-world. The Rakshasa warriors were impatient to display their tremendous abilities on the battle--field.
King Mali with his brother Sumali and his vast army, set off towards the Vaithadhya moụntain and began traversing through the sky. The whole sky was filled with the Rakshasa warriors. At that point, Sumali whispered to his brother.
"Brother! We have not witnessed any auspicious omens”.
"Sumali! you always behave like a coward”. Mali who was intoxicated by his tremendous militaric prowess, spoke thus deriding his brother.
"Brother! This donkey is braying in a hoarse manner". "Let it bray as it wants to! You stop braying".
“Those jackals have been howling by fits and starts. Their mournful cries are inauspicious. They forecast terrible calamities.”
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