"Dear Pavananjay! What you say may be true but if you for a moment think of the last night's event comprehensively you will surely realize that Anjana is absolutely innocent. I say, brother! It is natural for the bride's companions to keep criticising the bridegroom on the night previous to the day of the marriage. It is a kind of fun for them; and that was what those girls were doing last night. In doing so, their intention was not to belittle her fiance; they were merely making jokes. Moreover, according to our cultural traditions, the bride has to be silent at such times. That is the proper behaviour for a bride. If a bride at such a time takes part in such a conversation making remarks, her behaviour would be deemed indecent and unbecoming; and her companions would make fun of her, treating her as a butt of ridicule. Just because she was silent, you should not think that she loves, not you; but Vidyutprabha".
"Prahasit! You may say a hundred things in praise of her; but I have developed a bitter dislike for her. Don't you know that when once we develop a dislike or distaste for something, we cannot relish it afterwards, even if it is delicious food”.
"But do not forget that you are doing a great injustice to a noble lady and that your suspicion is senseless and not at all justifiable".
"But I do not deem this an injustice at all. I have not yet married her; and if she loves someone else she is free to marry him."
"Do not say such ignoble things". A woman born in our Aryadesh (noble land) can give her heart only to one person and Anjana has already given away her heart to you. No alteration of any kind in her attitude is possible !"
“What can I do? I can never marry her".
"Come on. Let us have a stroll outside. Since last night, you have been agitated and worried. Probably a stroll in the morning will bring you some peace of mind; and then you will be able to think about this matter calmly and unemotionally”.
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