The Ethical Excellence of Ravan
"Noble lady! You have taught me the great Ashali mantra. Therefore, you are my teacher. It will be a great sin even if I touch you. Moreover, I always look upon other women as my mothers or sisters”.
"Oh king! Can you being a great hero attain glory in life if you break your promise and fail to keep up your word ?" After thinking deeply about the situation she could say only this in her despair.
“Noble lady! The truth is I have not given you any promise. It is not our policy to break our promises. We always honour our promises. Yes. Vibhishan made a sign with his hand and your attendant has mistaken it. Therefore, my prayer to you is that you should forget the past and that you should go back to your husband and live with him with a spirit of rededication and renewed loyalty. This is good for you as well as for me”.
How unyielding was Ravan ! How firm was his determination to keep off other women! How noble were his thoughts ! Though such a beautiful and fascinating lady as Uparambha surrendered herself to him, though she insisted upon his fulilling her desire, Ravan remained firm; and he cared for noble conduct, righteous path and his moral cuty. It is really amazing that the world remembers only the darker aspect of Ravan's life forgetting the brighter and the nobler aspect. It is not fair to condemn him, thinking only of the darker aspect of his character and life ignoring the brighter aspect.
Seeing that Ravan did not yield to her soft and flattering words, Uparambha returned home. Ravan heaved a sigh of relief and felt happy for helping a lady to discard the wrong path and to pursue the right path.
Nalkuber received Ravan with all honour and hospitality and entreated him to stay in Durlangpur for sometime. But Ravan wanted to proceed and fight against the artificial Indra of Ratanupur and after defeating him he wanted to establish a unique imperialistic sway over the world of the Vidyadhars. This was his ambition. He wanted to attain fame as an emperor.
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