here". On hearing the words of the beautiful young lady, Ravan's face became cheerful. He glanced towards Vibhishan.
Ravan was smiling at the ununderstandable mysteries of the hearts of women but Vibhishan understood it in a different sense and made a sign with his hand and said at once,
"We are agreeable to this plan”. The beautiful young lady, at once, went away from there.
But Ravan was red with anger. He said furiously....
"Oh Vibhishan! What have you done by giving your consent to this plan? You have brought disgrace upon our illustrious royal dynasty. You have ruined all the achievements I have made so far".
“But brother".
"Shut up. Do not say anything more. Has anyone born in our family desired the company of another man's wife? Has anyone of our dynasty shown his back to the enemy and run away from the battle-field ? Such a thing has not happened in our ilustrious line. It has not happened in the past and it shall not happen in the future but today you have stained the name of our family. I do not know why you told her so and what ideas occured to you”.
Vibhishan was greatly shocked. He wondered why Ravan had glanced towards him with a smile on his lips. He thought, "Have I misunderstood him. What a mess have I created ? All right, what had to happen has happened ?"
So he sat silently. When Ravan had grown a little calm, he said in a polite voice ......
"Dear brother! I have committed an unpardonable blunder. I will never commit such a blunder again. Let Uparambha meet you. You learn from her the secret of this power which is called Ashali. First, let us capture our enemies. Then, we shall see what we have got to do. At present, we should think of achieving our objectives".
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