This profoundly interesting incident took place, in those days when the commands of the Supreme Lord Ajitnath, the second Tirthankar, held their sway, far and near. Mother Earth smiled joyously with prosperity, felicity and splendour. Absolute serenity and felicity prevailed everywhere. On the earth, there was a beautiful and charming island which was famous as the Rakshasdweep. Lanka was its capital. The great city which was fascinating and dignified was renowned everywhere. It was extremely beautiful, and fascinating. A king by name Meghavahan was ruling over the country. .
The line of Rakshasas originated from Meghavahan. Though his line became famous as the Rakshasa dynasty, King Meghavahan was, indeed, extremely benevolent, kind, gracious, sociable and courteous. In respect of his exalted character, he was incomparable and his greatness was indescribable.
Once, it so happened that King Meghavahan sat at the window of the upper storey of his magnificent mansion enjoying the glories and graces of nature. Sometimes, his eyes ranged upto the boundaries of the earth as if to play; and sometimes, they were fixed intently at the immense sky as if to explore its hidden mysteries; and to probe its deepest secrets. Thus, he contemplated on the extraordinary objects and aspects of the universe for a few moments and enjoyed the sublimity of those sights to his heart's content; and then, closed his eyes.
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