Kumbhakarna could not say anything. He could not think of anything to say to his elder brother.
Noticing the agitation of his younger brothers, Dashmukh Ravan said, "Dear brothers ! you two have already given Vaishravan news good enough for him. You have already made him taste your heroism. You have made him spend sleepless nights in worry and agitation. Now, the time has come for me to satisfy my itching hands also. Let me reduce the itching of my hands".
Within a short time, Dashmukh Rilvan's vast army reached the frontiers of Lanka. Vaishravan also came out of Lanka with his vast army, countless warriors, and the Vidyadhar Kings who where his friends, to rout the invaders.
Vaishravan was not an ordinary warrior. He was the very embodiment of exceptional valour and was as ferocious as the lion, the king of beasts.
What an irony of fate! A brother fights against his brother. Brothers fight against each other and shed each other's blood. Vaishravan was none other than the son of Kaushika; and Dashmukh Ravan was the son of Kaikasi, Kaushika and Kaikasi were sisters; and Vaishravan and Dashmukh Ravan were brothers. The cataract of brotherly affection had dried up on account of the heat of enmity and hostility. If it were a deep lake or sea, it would not have dried up thus. They would not feel the impact of excessive heat.
Thus, blood-relationship is a cataract; but spiritual love is a vast lake abounding in the pellucid waters of pure affection. The Tirthankar Bhagwan has such love for all the Jivas in the Universe; and his love is an ocean which can never dry up. Whatever may be the intensity of heat, it will not dry up. Those cowherds and shepherds burnt Lord Mahavir with the terrific heat of their wicked actions; yet the Lord's heart which is an ocean of deep love never dried up and it never became empty. But in samsar where can we find an ocean of pure and selfless love ?
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