blood enter into the composition of the semen. A healthy man may occasionally discharge his seed with impunity, but if he chooses-with reference to great physical strength and endurance as in the pedestrian, boat-racer, prize-fighter or explorer or with reference to great intellectual and moral work as in the apostle Paul, Sir Isaac Newton and a thousand other instances -to refrain from sexual pleasure, nature well knows what to do with those precious atoms. She finds use for them in building up a keener brain and more vital and enduring nerves and muscles." The chief monk of my community Muni Atmaramji was once asked by a Hindu gentleman, how it was that in running contrary to the course of nature i. e. not obeying the urgent demands of natural instincts in such nature—he could build up his constitution which could well defy the attacks of an athlete or a stalwart. The monk in reply simply recited a verse :
सिंहो बली द्विरदशूकरमांसजीवी
संवत्सरेण रतिमेति किलैकवारम् । पारावतः खरशिलाकणमात्रजीवी
कामी भवत्यनुदिनं वद कोऽत्र हेतुः ॥ [The lion eats the flesh of elephants and hogs and is the strongest of all animals, still he enjoys sexual intercourse only once in a year, while doves and pigeons who live on dirt and sorts of refuse are lustful every day.] (v) The last of the five forbearances is greediness. It consists not only in coveting more than necessary but also in keeping in possession anything beyond the very necessaries of life. Some practitioners are known to carry this requirement to the extent of even not accepting anything whatever from others. We thus finish the list of five kinds of forbearances; that is the first stage through which a student of yoga has to pass.
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