examined by a competent physician." These are the words of Dr. Hensoldt. 10. Without caring much what the foreigners have to say in reference to the religions and philosophies of India we will come to our own subject. We have said before that yoga is the suppression of the manifestations of the mind. The source of the positive power therefore lies in the soul. In the very wording of the definition of yoga is involved the supposition of the existence of a power which can control and suppress the manifestations of the mind. This power is the power of the soul-otherwise familiar to us as freedom of the will. So long as the soul is subject to the mind it is tossed this way or that in obedience to the mental changes. Instead of the soul being tossed by the mental changes, the mind should vibrate in obedience to the soul-vibrations. When once the soul becomes the master of the mind, it can produce any manifestations it likes. The ancient Chaldeons and the modern monks of India, Japan and China teach the same doctrine. It was by the aid of this yoga science that the ancients made many discoveries in chemistry and medicine. 11. We will now come to our point. The suppression of all mental modifications produces the state called yoga or समाधि. This समाधि is of two kinds सविकल्पक and Afd2455. The first is that in which the mind is at rest only for the time, the other is that in which through supreme universal non-attachment it is centred in HTO (passivity) and realizes to everywhere for all time. The mind being as it were annihilated Purusha-the soul-alone shines in native bliss.12 This is called Oct. This is the end in view. This is the summum
12. YS 1.17-18.
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