12. Let us examine the other stages of creation. I told you in the beginning that from Prakriti sprang the Great Mind. What is this Great Mind ? Kapila says: It is intellect and judgment or ascertainment is its peculiar modification; and at, fra, aciri, tad, i.e. merit, knowledge, dispassion and supernatural power arise out of it when there is in it a superlative degree of the first of the three qualities, i.e. Pra, purity or passivity. But demerit, ignorance, non-dispassion and want of supernatural power arise out of it when there is in it a preponderance of the other two qualities, रजस् and तमस्, activity or passion and darkness or ignorance34. From the great principle-the Great Mind, we were told, is produced 31$IT i. e. self-consciousness. It is what makes the Ego. It is the same as 3777:TOT i. e. the internal instrument35. We were also told that the eleven organs and five subtle elements are produced from self-consciousness. But there is this distinction that the eleventh organ, the mind proceeds from selfconsciousness in which the first quality-TG, purity or passivity-preponderates, while the other ten organs proceed from self-consciousness in which the second quality--activity or passion-predominates, and the five subtle elements proceed from self-consciousness in which the third quality-darkness or grossnesspredominates36. I have already enumerated the eleven
34. SS 2.13-15; Vijn. 2.13-15; SK 23; Both Aniruddha and SK
maintain that demerit etc. arise out of Prakriti when there is in it a preponderance of The (rather than of Tan and
TH). 35. In Sankhya philosophy FT:Fitut is the name usually given
to the collection of मनस् , अहंकार and बुद्धि or to बुद्धि alone-but seldom to Helt. See Aniruddha on SS 2.38 (also SK 33) for the triple composition of u and SS 1.64 for the
identification of अन्तःकरण with बुद्धि. 36. SS 2.17-18; SK 24-25
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