Publisher's Note Foreword Something About Late Shri V. R. Gandhi
Pt. Dr. Sukhalalji 11 Exponent of Jainism to the West
21 Abbreviations
34 Introduction
34 The Sankhya Philosophy
1-17 1. Introductory 2. An end of the threefold miseries aimed at
(Comparison with Spinoza) 3. How a philosophical tenet like this origi
nates (the Indian situation contrasted with
the Western) 4. The threefold miseries result from the
properties of prakṣti while prakȚti is eternal and co-existent with puruşa
3 5. Kapila's is a theory of evolution (i. e. a
denial of something coming out of nothing); incidental refutation of the theory
that the world is an illusory appearance 6. How is prakṣti a 'mere name' 7. Praksti defined and the 25 elements (includ
ing puruşa) enumerated; the course of praksti's evolution traced
7 8. Proofs for the existence of soul and de
lineation of the nature of soul; incidental refutation of the 'one soul' doctrine of
Vedānta 9. Not real but only apparent bondage and
emancipation of puruşa 10. Theism rejected 11. A critical remark on the Sankhya notion
of the purpose of praksti's evolution 12. Some further details concerning prakệti's
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