fara a 91
470T 41, 52, 53, 56 AfacYHATTO 91-92
9707TITA (Control of the ex
piration and inspiration of (97) (Plexuses) 53
the breath) 40-41. 91189 39, 41
ORTHC (Transmigration) 63 aina (Priority) 66
4703 (Consequences, Fruits) 63 TCATCHET (Highest Self) 74
arse (Great Intellect, Intellect, TRTUNA (Change, Evolution) Understanding, Reason) 14, 79, 89
17, 24, 63, 66 OCTIU (Dimension) 66
TET (Highest Self) 74, 83, 115 To (Examination of defi
sert 64 nitions) 62-63
HEIT 83-85, 98, 117 SaveIT (965) 100
FLETUT 98, 100, 117 for (Road of Fathers) 82
fH (RE) 104 964 (Intelligence, Conscious. fatuit (827 ) 104 ness) 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 21, 23, 25, 29, 55
HET 7, 58, 61 40-41
HGH (Mind, Internal organ,
Principle which cognizes yeyote (Individuality) 66
generality) 24, 63, 66, 76 geet (Earth) 8,66
HTYT 74-76, 80-81 1971 (Modes) 78
HIT 98 98fat (Matter) 3, 6, 7, 10, 13, 16,
feti (Liberation) 16 21-23, 25, 48, 57-58, 61
FIT 22 fahi 54
48 (Forbearance) 30-32, 43 acita (An aspect) 88 ge48 (Perception) 63, 86
TGE (Activity, Passion) 7, 11
21,60 FRET (Abstraction) 42
TH (Savour, Taste) 66 TA (Right measure) 63
TTTT (Attachment) 15 THIUT (Evidence, Means,
Tel 54 Instruments) 12, 63-64 TEU (Obiects or Subjects of 69 (Colour, Material Aggreright knowledge) 63-64
gate) 66, 108 gerat (Volition) 66
Tao 40-41 79199 (Motive) 64
gugut (Differentia) 62-63 94 79
लक्षणपरिणाम (Character-trar sela (Activity) 63
formation) 46-47
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