3716HI (Soul, Self) 3, 63, 66, 37fac (Matter) 78
84-86, 91,115-116
37187 (Posture) 15, 43 37791C (Doctrine of Soul) 110 eta (Non-duality, Monism) 03 (Desire) 66
Efe 112 319 (Demerit) 66
sfag (Organs, Senses-ex37716 54
ternal and internal) 7, 63 372417 (Inference) 63, 86
fat (Personal God, Lord) 23, 3traf 78
33, 38, 75, 77, 80-31 STATUT (Internal instru
Seatou (Elevation, Throwing ment) 11, 24
upward) 66 37979 (Posteriority) 66
3779 56 37991 (Emancipation) 63
BET (Mention) 62-63 SITE (Water) 8
BEETE 40 37975 41, 56
3info(t) gal 41 37472 (Non-existence) 66
3919 63 wat (Dissolution) 15
SHTET 100 37791H (Constant practice) 15
39151 (Material Cause) 74 ape (Object of sense) 63
311617 (Grasping) 100, 116 316 117
31 (Adjunct) 76, 81, 86, 88 अवयव (Argumentof the
31# (Lay disciple) 107 objector split up) 64
STEGT (Worship) 85 अवस्थापरिणाम (Transformation as to condition, condition- # 93
transformation) 46, 47 3799T (Ignorance, Nescience) out (Supernatural Power)11 15, 74, 86, 89, 90
op (Actions, past actions) 51, 37UTTI (Unevolved) 78
58, 60, 65, 115, 116, 134 316 TT (Self-consciousness,
T03 (Work portion) 73, 76, Egoism) 7, 11, 24, 92
79 37. AT (Egoism) 15
othely (Age, World period) 76,
79, 88 ATTEET (Ether) 8,66
कारणावस्था (Causal Condition 31 (Contraction) 66
79 143
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