creation of the universe the Vaisheshika supports the atomic theory and states that the material universe is created out of these four elements. The Vaisheshikas believe in a personal creator because they think that although the elements were here yet there must be some one to form them into different shapes. For the formation of a pot, although the clay is there, still there is the necessity of a potter. By the will of this divine power motion is imparted to the atoms and evolution follows.
(b) Besides these four elementary substances, there are five other substances-ether, time, space, soul and mind. These are eternal and all of them except mind are all-pervading, i. e. they exist everywhere. This means that the soul of every man exists as much in Chicago as in Bombay. The mind however is atomic and is connected with soul. When the soul becomes related with mind knowledge is the result; knowledge is a special characteristic of soul but it is mind which receives the sensation of pleasure or pain.8 The different senses are only the instruments of knowledge. The effects of acts are stored in the mind and they manifest themselves as pleasures and pains in future incarnations. When by the grace of god the soul acquires the right knowledge of things all miseries vanish and the supreme bliss follows.
8. This account of mind is extremely sketchy, so the follow
ing might be added. Knowledge as well as pleasure and pain (together with several others) are the qualities of soul and mind is the organ of 'internal perception', that is, the organ for perceiving the qualities of soul-just as eyes etc. are the organs of 'external perception', that is, the organs for perceiving the qualities of physical substances. And the soul's connection with mind is required not for the production of knowledge alone but for that of each quality of soul.
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