Hence this passage from the conscious to the so-called unconscious is a very difficult and critical process. This समाधि is called निरोधपरिणाम or the transformation of the mind into interceptions. It is called the or the transformation of the thing's property. The intercepting impressions must rise so often as to become a habit, for then alone their flow will become deep and steady and lead to the highest .39 The mind is as it were quite annihilated, for no transformation exists. The permanence of this state is all
that is desired.
So this trance-transformation is the setting and rising of distractions and concentration respectivelydistractions, i. e., of the mind which draw it off from unconscious Hi. e. concentration. Interceptions being repeated gain a certain firmness and ripen into unconscious. Hence when this stage is reached the mere negative condition becomes as it were positive and there arises concentration on nothing, to use a paradoxical phrase. The moment when the mind arrives at this stage in its transformations is called लक्षणपरिणाम. What is the state of mind of the moment of complete unconscious? The mind is conscious of nothing except the respective repression and revival of certain impressions, viz. distractions and interceptions, both welded in one act of supreme consciousness.40 This is called for transformation as to condition. The mind has its property first transformed. Then this property is joined to a certain moment of time, then the first transformation becomes perfectly ripe and indicates the real condition of the mind. Then it is easy to see that transformation though essentially
39. YS 3.10
40. YS 3.11
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