them. His mind rose in revolt against this state of things and led forthright emphatic and direct attacks on the ignorance and perverse ideas of the American people about India. His language was direct and forceful and his expression was fearless. He exposed the propaganda and activities of the Christian missionaries working in India
Shri Virchand was a polyglot. He knew many languages, as many as 14 languages. He was also a student of Buddhism and Vedanta Philosophy. He had acquired knowledge of Christianity and Western Philosophy. He also had knowledge of Yoga and Occultism. He had made a comparative study of various philosophies, which equipped him for talks on various subjects with confidence.
Shri Virchand was gifted with a fine and charming personality. He had a fairly tall, stately, wellbuilt figure. He had well chiselled well-proportioned features and a fine, brilliant and lustrous face. For his American sojourn, he had selected a dress, which added charm to his personality. He put on a royal purple robe and a gold-coloured turban. He had round his waist a white sash with a knot on the right and two ends hanging to his knees. He also wore oriental shoes. This make-up created an oriental and hallowed atmosphere round him. He looked like a priest, sober, serene and peaceful, eager to achieve his object.
His speeches at the World Congress and outside created such a deep and brilliant impression that the American people began to love and like him. Some men were really attracted towards the prin
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