Yoga. It obviously implies abstinence from animal tood in as much as it is never procurable without direct or indirect killing. The Hindu scriptures are very strong on this point. Manu, the famous lawmaker of the Hindus, says*'Anumanta Visha sita nihantā krayavikrayi Sanskartā chophartā cha khadakās'cheti ghatakāb” one who indirectly gives permission to kill animals, one who separates the several parts of the carcass after the animal is killed, one who actually kills the animals, ont who sells meat, one who cooks meat, one who serves meat at the table and one who eats it are all considered killers of the animal. Again, 'Nakritvā prāpinām hipsām mānsamutpadyate kvachit, Na cha pranivadhah svargyastasman mansam vivarjayet't
-you cannot get meat upless an animal is killed, killing of animals cagnot lead to a higher state, therefore abstain from meat-eating altogether.
The avoidance from animal food is strongy recommended from another standpoint, as that food always leads to the growth of animality to the complete obscuration and even annihilation of intuition and spirituality. It is to secure this condition of being * अनुमन्ता विशसिता निहन्ता क्रयविक्रयी ।
संस्कर्ता चोपहर्ता च वादकथेति घातकाः ॥ +नाकृत्वा प्राणिनां हिंसां मांसमुत्पद्यते क्वचित् ।
न च प्राणिवधः स्वय॑स्तन्मान्मांसं विर्वजयेत् ॥
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