left by his will a sum of Rs. 45,000 along with other sums to be spent in various other matters, to be devoted to some benevolent purpose. This amount was further enhanced by a sum of Rs. 25,000 set apart by Mr. Gulabchand Devchand to be spent in some good purpose in the memory of the said Sheth Devchand Lalbhai. It was at the advice of Panyas Shree Anand Sagar that these sums which made the original funds in Trust, were amalgamated, and the present Trust was inaugurated. At present the funds of this Trust amount to about Rs. 100,000 the original being further enhanced by the property of "Bai Vijkore" the deceased daughter of the said Sheth Devchand Lalbhai, which was directed to be made over to this Trust by her. The object of this Trust is to devote the interest of the funds for the preservation and the development of "the Jain Swetamber religious literature." This is the 'tenth volume' of the series that is being published by this Trust.
In conclusion we have to say that this volume contains the speeches and writings of the late Mr. Gandhi. We have nothing to add here about this work, as enough has been said about it in the preface written by Mr. B. F. Karbhari. We are thankful to him for having supplied us with the materials for this publication.
BOMBAY, August 1912.
Jain Education International
A Trustee for himself &Co-Trustees.
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