have expressed this in clear language without any parables or metaphors, but when we preach these truths to the ignorant masses, some story or picture might be necessary for them, and after that the explanation of the real meaning, as we have an allegory in the Pilgrim's Progress. It is just like reaching the Celestial City in that book, but we must all understand that these things are parables, Others inay need music to assist their religion, but wnen we understand the esoteric meaning which underlies all religions there will be no quarrelling and no need of naines or of forms, and this is really the object of all religions.
Mave christian missions to
India been successful ?
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentlemen,
You have heard the scholarly views of our friend and brother. ( Bishop Thoburn.) The views as they have been presented to you must appear convincing to those who have not seen or fully understood the other side: and I am most grateful to the Nineteenth Century Club that they have honored my country by giving me the opportunity to express my views on the subjeot of Christian Missions in India, which may not be very
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