every state has its beginning and end. So this beginning of a state implies that before this beginning there was another state of the soul. Nothing can exist unless it exists in some state. The state may not be perinanent, but the thing must have a state at all times. If therefore the present state of the soul had a beginning, it had another state before the beginning of this state, and after the end of his state it will have another state. So the future state is so nething that cornes out of or is the result of the present state. As the future is to the present so the present is to the past, The present is only the fitire of the past. What is true with regard to the future state is true with aegard to the past and present states. The acts of the past have determined our preseat state, and if this is true the acts of the present state, inust deterinine the future state. This brings us to the doctrines of rebirth, transmigration of souls, metempsychosis, reincarnation, etc., as they are variously known. First take incarnatien, which means literally becouing flesh, and really speaking that which is matter is always natter, and that which is spirit is always spirit or soul. The spirit does nct become flesh. If reincarnarion means to become flesh there can be no reincarnation, but if it means siniply the life in flesh for a short time, then there is" reincarnation, Reincarnation means also to be born in some state again and again, Metempsychosis means in the Greek
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