much we sacrifice by simply catering to our lower desires, emotions and caprices; such & sacrifice of inoney, time or energy does not really produce any Spiritual benefit in return; we do it because of our slavish obedience to the customs and entiquette of an ever-changing society. If we sacrifice so much for pleasing "society” may we not have sufficient courage to ignore the opinions of those that have never thought of the higher possibilities of soul, and decide to actually do something for our spiritual advancement. Let those that have time spend a portion of it in studying the latest forces of the soul. Let those that have money help themselves and others desirous of acquiring such knowledge.
With the performance of the five above named sacrifices, animal mau becomes human. The law of the survival of the strongest in the barbaric state of man made bim a destructive creature, so that all the time his animal nature prompted btn to live on the sacrifice of others. With the turn of moral change in his life, he no longer lives on the weak, but learns to protect them, and even makes sacrifices so that they may be happy and comfortable.
This sublime law of sacrifice has often been misinterpreted and abused. The Brahmins in India and the jews in Palestine had done it. For centuries together they used to sacrifice animals to the degraded and blood-thirsty intellegences or to an angry God.
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