the ears, another on the legs, a third on the tail of the elephant and so on. When they were asked by the people what kind of an animal the elephant was, One of the blind men said, “Oh, to be sure, the elephant is like a big wiunowing fan.”
Another blind inanı said, “No, muy dear sir, you are wrong. The elephant is more like a big, round post." The third, “ You are quite mistaken; it is like & tapering stick,” The rest of them gave also their different opinions. The proprietor of the circus stepped forward and said; “ My friends, you are all mistaken. You have not examined the elephant from all sides. Had you gone so you would not have taken one sided views."
Brothers and sisters, I entreat you to hear the moral of this story and learn to examine the various religious systems from all standpoints.
I now thank you from the bottom of my heart, for the kindness with which you have received us and for the liberal spirit and patience with which you have heard us. And to you, Reverend Dr. Barrows and President Bonny, we owe the deepest gratitude for the hospitality which you have extended to us.”
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