Inc Broad and Catholic Spirit of this Grand Hin
du May Be Best Understood By the following . Extract from His Lecture, Delivered At Cassa
daga, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1894, Where he was Engaged For Several Lectures and Classes,
When missionaries sent from this continent to our country, and to our people, shall have learned that we are children of the same family, that we inherit the same perceptions, the same rights, the same inspirations and the same relations to the Infinite, and seek to fraternise with us on that plane and with this recognition—then, and then only, antagonism and injustice will cease, and the bonds of common brotherhood will upite us in a mutual recognition of reasons for a perfect fellowship. **What is that Christ in whose name you propose to conquer the world ? Is there a Christ of oppression; is there a Christ of injustice; is there a Christ of misinterpretation; is there a Christ of denial of all rights; is there a Christ of destruction of all holy aims and humane immemorial institutions; is there & Christ of injustice and exorbitant taxation for the support of a government, foreign to our knowledge our thought, our religion and our consent? Who of these Christs has inscribed his name on the barner of your conquests? If you seek to conquer us under such banners, and in the name of such" Christs, we refuse to be conquered. But if you come to us in the name and in the spirit of the Christ of education, of brother
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