of his real glory and rob mankind of the legitimate infleunce and uplifting virtue of his devotion, and consecration. Admitting the purity of his life, the grandeur of his devotion, the beauty of his character and the truth ot hls ethical teachings, it yet remains to be said that thousands of years before his birth ainong men, similar masters appeared who taught the same truth, achieved eqral character and injected into the philosophies a:id thought of mankind the same inspirations and many of them sealed the genuiness of their devotions with their own blood.
Referring to the religio1 and philosophy of my OW! people and to the history of the lives of the illustrious prophets and regenerators, whose names are sacred in 0:1r thoughts, I have to say that no Christian ininistar can point to a single moral truth or ethical statement in his new testament of Jesus the Christ that I cannot duplicate a thousand times with even greatar emphasis froin the sacred books and teachings of our religion aatidating as they do the Christian era by thousands upon thousands of years. They have answered for our tnstruction in spiritual worship, in the moralities of life and in all outward expressions of brotherhood, to this day evolving among us and before our eyes devoted lives, spotless characters, gifted prophets, tireless regene. rators, about whose names the white light of glorious immortality ceaselessly shines. I ask you, my
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