60 Twelve Facets of Reality
come!" Do not live on past revenge or vindictiveness. If something has gone or is going, let it go! In this way, you become so free.
Ultimately, everything is going to go. It is easy to talk about it, but difficult to live it. When the moment comes in which we are tested, sometimes we act differently. Why does a dog love a piece of bone? It has no juice, no meat. It has nothing. It is dry. But the dog goes on chewing on it, and in the process of chewing sometimes cuts its own palate. It bleeds, and the blood gets on the bone. The dog licks it and thinks, "Oh, the sweetness!" Pleasure is so sweet to it that it forgets the whole process of pain. Clinging to things is a habit of the mind. The initiates see material things for what they are, without coloring or creating distortion. When you see clearly, you don't suffer objective conflict or subjective confusion. You are free from both.
When you meditate on swatva, you slowly begin to feel that what you are is not comparable with any worldly thing. Say to yourself, “I am living with living energy.' Whenever and wherever you see living energy, you feel the flow of love with those living beings.
When you see other human beings, see the soul in them. As you have seen the "I am" in yourself, you see the "I am" in them. In this way, you will not live on an attachment level. You will not try to possess people and put them in your "purse." Let them be what they are. Live on a love level, not on a possession level.
If you are genuine, others will be genuine. If you don't see a genuine relationship growing, then let the person go on his or her way. Say to yourself, "I am not here to take on anybody's pain." See how smooth and pleasant and loving your relationships will become, because you