24 Twelve Facets of Reality gruha, he is living a beautiful life. Go there and see for yourself.”
Because of the young man's word, Bimbisara went to visit Mahavir and then and there became his disciple. He became his patron as well, and throughout his life he supported both Mahavir and Buddha, who also came to live and teach in the region at that time. Bimbisara devoted his life to supporting the teachings and all the good causes because he felt it was his mission.
When we meditate on unprotectedness, we gain a different level of understanding. We see that the real help comes from the pure stream of consciousness. It is like a current that is always flowing. When we need it, we will have it. It is always there. We have only to remove the curtain and open ourselves to that energy whose nature is infinite knowledge, infinite bliss, and infinite vision. We have only to turn our consciousness inward to connect with life. It is our sharana, our wellspring, our reserve strength, our invisible refuge, which will not exhaust itself at any time.
If you are able to connect with this source, then you are not helpless, for you are protected from within. As soon as you start knowing this protection, you start lifting yourself. The sinking boat begins to float.
Use this meditation as the young monk Anatha and King Bimbisara did. Take time to go on watching and pondering. Whenever fear comes, ask, “Why am I afraid? What is this anxiety? What is the cause of the fear? The cause is that I am not connected to my invisible world.”
Build inner strength and power by connecting to the invisible world of these vibrations. Chant aloud or silently the entire mantra as follows.