The Nature of Our Nature
IFE is an ocean in which the waves and ripples are constantly moving. There is not a moment in which they are still or steady. Continuously there is ebb and flow. In this ocean we too are moving along with the waves. Because of the ripples our minds are not steady.
When we are not certain about ourselves, there arises in us great confusion. We don't know what we need or where to go. We do not even know why we are here. Ultimately, the only thing which remains for us is to fill the empty days with trivial and meaningless activities. But such old, worn-out elements in our life must be thrown out like trash. Otherwise, we remain like children, creating make-believe and holding on to small toys. Our life remains on the surface, playing at fantasy instead of revealing the real depth of our being.
So we ask ourselves, "In this restlessness and unsteadiness, what is permanent?" The waves and ripples are not lasting; emotions and thought forms are everchanging. Then the last step comes to the initiates-to come out of the tossing sea onto the island of dharma, your reality. Dharma has many meanings: reality, religion, truth, and nature.