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auspicious of the world Jain Mission ten years ago, to adopt the resolution for the establishment of a University of Non-Violence. He asserts again the same demand when he writes: "And now that peace is again threatened by another disastrous global war, we may seek world co-operation in the cause of Ahimsa. The finest monument to the memory of the architect of Indian freedom would be a University of Non-violence maintained by we University Grants Commission and supported by the Gandhi Smarak Nidhi. It would benefit not only India and Asia bui the whole world hankering after peace and security, both denied us by our exploiting economics and bellicose politics. Both these disruptive forces could be controlled, if we could plan a broad humanistic education with non-possessiveness (aparigrha) and Non-violence (under the right knowledge of Anekänta) as guiding principles. May the world listen to the eternal Voice of India. Ahimsā Parano Dharmah (Non-violence is the supreme virtue).'