in the past. I censure, run down, condemn all the sinsul acts and I vow to keep my soul away from them.
Khamāsamaņa sūtra
Icchāmi khamāsamano ! vamdium Jāvānijjãe nisīhiae, Matthaeņa vamdami /
Translation :
O Forgiving Spiritual Guide ! I desire to salute you respectusully. Refraining from sịnful acts according to my energy, I salute you respectfully by bowing down my head before you.
Jam Kimci sūtra : Tīrthavandana-sūtra
Jaṁ kimci nāma tittham Sagge pāyāli māņuse loe, Jāim jinabiṁbāim Tāim savvāim vardāmi /
I salute all the idols of Jina that are there in whatever well known place of pilgrimage situated in heaven, nether world or human world.
Arihanta ceiāņam : Caityastava
Arihasta ceiāņam karemi kāussaggam Vamdaņa-vattiye puaņa-vattiye Sakkara-vattiyāe sammāņa-vattiyae Bohilābha-vattiyāe niruvasagga-vattiyae Saddhāe, mehāe, dhīte, dhāraņāe, Aņuppehãe vaddhamāṇīe thāmi kāussaggam /