world. As has been said “The perfectibility of man is the melioristic gospel that saves Jainism from falling a prey to undiluted passimism.” Evil exists and is very real, but it can be overcome by one's own soul-force. This is the hope that springs eternal in the human breast. Ethical sordidness is entirely alien to the spirit of Jainism. The true Jaina would rather be a 'Socrates dissatisfied', than “a pig satisfied'. To spurn pleasure, to eschew bodily comfort and to withstand the tempestuous lusts of the flesh do not come easily to any man. But, the greatness of man lies in his capacity to overcome the limitations “of bodily” nature by the aspirations of his spiritual nature. He is a denizen of two worlds. His body belongs to the realm of matter and his soul belongs to the realm of the spirit. When the karmic body is shuffed off, he reaches the home of his spirit. It is in view of this wonderful spiritual heritage of man that the message of Jainism to mankind becomes obvious : "Be à man first and last, or the Kingdom of God' belongs to the son of Man.”