Kambadahalli (Mandya, Karnataka), 10th century (p. 116)
name of Ambikā in previous birth) illustrated in the wall paintings in the sangīta-mandapa of the Vardhamana temple at Tirupparuttikkuņram (Jina Kāñchī). The Yakṣī, seated cross-legged and wearing conical mukuta, is joined by her two sons on the two sides, There stands a female attendant with garland on right. Another panel shows the four-armed Ambikā likewise sitting crosslegged and wearing a conical crown. The Yakși bears the abhaya-mudrā, goad, noose and, the varada-mudrā. To her left there stands a group of female figures, of which only two are, discernible in the old painting. The rendering of the figures of Ambikā in the narrative of Agnila is thus interesting since they show her without lion mount and āmra-lumbi.