Microcosmology : Atom The net result of the chain of reaction 1 is the formation of one nucleus of helium from the four protons which entered the process cycle successively accompanied with liberation of energy. The nuclei of carbon and nitrogen in the closed circuit of reactions are forever being regenerated. Thus the whole process may be described as the transformation of hydrogen (a proton is the nucleus of hydrogen atom) into helium due to very high temperatures assisted by the catalystic action of carbon and nitrogen.
It is shown that at the temperature of 20 million degrees the energy liberation in the above circuit reaction coincides with actual amount of energy radiated by our sun. Since the astrophysical evidence renders all other possible nuclear reactions inconsistent, it may be accepted that the carbon-nitrogen cycle described above represents the process mainly responsible for the generation of the solar energy. It should also be noted that interior temperature of the sun, the complete circuit requires about five million years.
1. Incidentally this particular reaction is quite well known to nuclear physicists
and has been obtained under laboratory conditions by the use of artificially accelerated high energy protons.