Microcosmology : Atom motion of planets and stars, the electromagnetic forces are predominant in the microcosm of the heart of atoms.
Einstein's famous equation E=mc2 has shown that matter and energy are mutually transformable. The paradox presented by the waves of atoms and particles of light has been resolved by a new mathematical apparatus that permitted accurate description of quantum phenomena, either in terms of waves or in terms of particles, as one wished. Today the whole complex of the physical universe is almost resolved into homogenous fabric in which matter and energy are indistinguishable ; various forces found in nature, viz., the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces have been unified ; a grand unified theory combining the strong nuclear force with these two forces is under way ; the abyss between macrocosm and microcosm is almost bridged ; and there are hints of how the theory of quantum mechanics and general relativity might affect each other - a glimpse of the shape of a quantum theory of gravity yet to come.