uges that are suppressed or disguised during the day. We live out our fears in dreams too, and perhaps we get over them in this way. People who have lived through battles or other terrifying experiences certainly re-live them in dreams for long afterwards, but it is not clear whether this somebow rclieves their pain. The theory tbal dreams are wishfulfilments is not bome out by hungry or thirsty people, they do not have obviously relevant drcans 9. Rest and Relaxation
It may be that in looking for complicated explanations for the significance of sleep in ourselves, we are missing its most obvious biological feature which is stillness. We should not exclude the possibility that there is no unique physiological benefit to be derived from sleep, bevond keeping the animal or person inactive/motionless. Many human beings have learned to do with far less sleep than a simple circadian rhythm suggests. There are reports of regular sleepers for wbom an hour or even 15 minutes cach night is enough.
So it may be that there is no basic physiological need to spend so much of our lives in an unconscious state.
It is found that systematic relaxation achieved by proper technique can replace sleep much more efficiently. Half an hour of total relaxation practised with proved technique can be better than three bours of sleep as far as the rest is concerned.