Consciousness is the essential attribute of soul. It is present even in the state of deep sleep. If it is not admitted, the pleasant experience of a comfortable and sound sleep recalled in the subsequent waking state would be impossible. The Jaina holds that consciousness is not merely a chain of successive momentary flashes but a constant factor undergoing various changes. It is the permanent faculty of soul undergoing various modifications,
Consciousness is said to be of two chief types : determinate and indeterminate. Determinate consciousness is the state of comprehension. It is divided into eight categories. They are known as non-verbal (sensory and mental) comprehension (mati-jnana), verbal (mental) comprehension (sruta-jnana), clair-voyance (avadhijnana),telepathy (manahparyaya-jnana), omniscience (kevala-jnana), wrong non-verbal comprehension (matiajnana), wrong verbal comprehension (sruta-ajnana)and wrong clairvoyance (vibhanga-jnana or avadhi-ajnana). Indeterminate consciousness is nothing but apprehension. It is divided into four categories. They are called visual apprehension (caksurdarsana), non-visual apprehension.