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## Chapter 5: Comparative References
**44** There are three types of *pasattha*:
* **Ooni 409, 195** *Dhai* (two), *duti* (messenger), *nimitte* (for the sake of)
* **Jibha 1319, 177** *Tena* (by that), *sanjatthta* (well-established), *nibha* (4513)
* **Prasha 566, 64/3** *Tesin* (of those), *gurun* (teachers), *mudae* (by the root), *Jibha* (1114)
* **Tu.mula 445, 198/15** *Thullaen* (by the great), *vigadpada* (with broken feet), *nibha* (4391)
* **Pancha 13/18, 19847** *Theri* (female elder), *dubbalakhira* (weak-minded), *nibha* (4383)
* **Pimpra 58, 264/1** *Thov* (a little), *thov* (a little), *chulle* (small), *Jibha* (1567)
* **Panv 754, 28** *Dai* (give), *ena* (by that), *vatthina* (existing), *va* (or), *Ooni* (362), *198* *Dharayati* (holds), *dhiyate* (is held), *va* (or), *nibha* (4376), *73/3* *Dansan-nan-charitte* (conduct of faith and knowledge), *vyabha* (989)
* **Jibha 1321, 57/5** *Dansan-nan-pphabhava* (originating from faith and knowledge), *Jibha* (1092)
* **Panv 366, 281** *Dagbi* (hard), *ae* (by that), *sanghattan* (gathering), *Obha* (247), *318/1* *Natthi* (there is not), *chhuhay* (touching), *sarisiya* (similar), *Jibha* (1659), *57* *Dava* (wealth), *mm* (in), *laddagadi* (like a ball), *Jibha* (1090)
* **Obha 290** *Dava* (wealth), *aya* (by that), *khalu* (indeed), *kaya* (body), *Tu.Jibha* (1117)
* **Panv 366, 304** *Dave* (wealth), *bhave* (in the state of), *sanjoyana* (connecting), *Tu.Jibha* (1611), *231/2* *Nadi* (river), *kanha* (black), *venna* (white), *dive* (island), *nibha* (4470), *213* *Dan* (gift), *na* (not), *hoti* (is), *aphala* (fruitless), *Jibha* (1383), *Jibha* (1461), *nibha* (4430), *192/7* *Nav* (new), *chevattharasa* (fourteen), *gan* (group), *Jibha* (1289), *163/5* *Dan* (gift), *kayavikkae* (to be given), *va* (or), *Jibha* (1263)
* **Tu.dasani 221, Bha.33** *Dara* (door), *abhogan* (enjoyment), *egaagi* (for the sake of), *nibha* (2695), *173/4* *Nanivittu* (not being able to leave), *labbhati* (is obtained), *nibha* (4504)
* **4407, 73** *Nama* (name), *thavana* (to be established), *davie* (by wealth)
* **Jibha 1139, 219/5** *Dah* (burning), *ti* (that), *tena* (by that), *bhanitam* (said), *nibha* (4450)
* **Vyabha 986, 142/2** *Dijjante* (are given), *padisesho* (obstruction), *nibha* (4479)
* **236** *Nama* (name), *thavana* (to be established), *davie* (by wealth)
* **Ooni 458, 70/2** *Dil* (give), *ai* (by that), *khir* (milk), *khir* (milk)
* **Jibha 1132**
* **4** *Nama* (name), *thavana* (to be established), *pindo* (group), *Ooni* (332)
* **Tu.vyabha 156, 73/1** *Nama* (name), *mm* (in), *saris* (similar), *namo* (name), *vyabha* (987), *242* *Duvidha* (two types), *cha* (and), *makkhitam* (established), *khalu* (indeed), *Jibha* (1491), *209* *Niggantha-sakka-tavasa* (Niggantha, Sakka, Tavas), *Jibha* (1366), *221* *Duvidho* (two types), *u* (also), *santhavo* (origin), *khalu* (indeed), *nibha* (1040), *nibha* (4420), *Jibha* (1421), *10* *Nicchay* (certainty), *o* (also), *sacchitto* (with true mind), *Ooni* (338), *43* *Duvidho* (two types), *ya* (also), *bhavapindo* (group of states), *Tu.Ooni* (408), *66/1* *Nicchayanayassa* (of the certainty), *charanaya* (to the feet), *Jibha* (1118), *201/2* *Duitt* (two), *ta* (also), *khu* (indeed), *garahitam* (taken), *nibha* (4400), *141* *Nimmallagandha* (with a pleasant smell), *guliya* (ball), *nibha* (4476), *314/3* *Dosaggi* (with faults), *vi* (also), *jalanto* (burning), *Jibha* (1652), *204* *Niyama* (rule), *tikala* (three times), *visae* (in the matter of), *nibha* (2693), *143* *Dhammakah* (Dharma story), *va* (or), *yay* (by that), *khamge* (in the sky), *nibha* (4480)
* **4405, 143/1** *Dhammakah* (Dharma story), *akkhitte* (established), *nibha* (4481)
* **Jibha 1341**