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## Chapter 4: Ayurveda and Health
**269. The Influence of the Nurse's Voice on the Child**
_If the nurse who plays with the child has a harsh voice, the child will become tongue-tied or stammering. If the nurse has a sweet voice, the child will become soft-spoken while playing with her._
(Mavri P. 125)
**The Influence of the Nurse's Body on the Child**
_A child carried by a nurse with thick thighs will have wide-spaced legs. A child carried by a nurse with a broken or thin waist will suffer. A child carried by a nurse with rough hands will become timid._
(Ga. 198/15, Mavri P. 125)
**Treatment for Sudden Illness**
_Sudden illnesses are treated with oil and other remedies._
(Ga. 214/2)
**Treatment for Disturbance of the Elements**
_When there is a disturbance of the elements, the treatment involves purification, balancing, and avoidance of the cause. In the case of a disease caused by a disturbance of the elements, the treatment involves purification with Haritaki and other remedies to pacify the Pitta._
(Ga. 214/3, Mavri P. 133)
**Contagious Diseases**
_A person with a contagious disease is one whose body is decaying, whose blood is flowing out, and whose body is broken or split. Such a person can transmit leprosy and other contagious diseases._
(Ga. 276, Mavri P. 160)