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## Pindaniyukti: An Observation
(1.) ||| (2.) ||s (3.) ||| (4.) ||ss (5.) | s || (6.) |s I s (7.) | ss| (8.) | sss (9.) ||| (10.) || (11.) s| 5 | (12.) SIss (13.) ss || (14.) s SIS (15.) ss s| (16.) ssss
In these, the portions with straight lines are pure and the portions with s-shaped lines are impure. Of these sixteen bhangas, the first bhang is permitted. The remaining 15 bhangas are unacceptable. Based on four factors, the chart of bhangas can be presented as follows:
| **Parvavalipt** | **Anatyushna** | **Aparishaati** | **Aghattitkarna** | **Bhang** |
| Parvavalipt | Anatyushna | Aparishaati | Aghattitkarna | |||
| Parvavalipt | Anatyushna | Aparishaati | Ghattitkarna | |||
| Parvavalipt | Anatyushna | Parishati | Aghattitkarna | Iss |
| Parvavalipt | Anatyushna | Parishati | Ghattitkarna | ISII |
| Parvavalipt | Atyushna | Aparishaati | Aghattitkarna | Is Is |
| Parvavalipt | Atyushna | Aparishaati | Ghattitkarna | Iss|
| Parvavalipt | Atyushna | Parishati | Aghattitkarna | ISSS |
| Parvavalipt | Atyushna | Parishati | Ghattitkarna | s|||
| Anvalipt | Anatyushna | Aparishaati | Aghattitkarna | SIIs |
| Anvalipt | Anatyushna | Aparishaati | Ghattitkarna | SISI |
| Anvalipt | Anatyushna | Parishati | Aghattitkarna | SISS |
| Anvalipt | Anatyushna | Parishati | Ghattitkarna | ss||
| Anvalipt | Atyushna | Aparishaati | Aghattitkarna | SSIS |
| Anvalipt | Atyushna | Aparishaati | Ghattitkarna | sss|
| Anvalipt | Atyushna | Parishati | Aghattitkarna | ssss |
| Anvalipt | Atyushna | Parishati | Ghattitkarna | |
In modern mathematics, this can be presented as the formula: 4 = 16.
**4. Pihit Dosha**
Consuming food that is covered with sentient fruit or earth, etc., or that is hidden by an insentient guru substance is called Pihit Dosha. The fifth study of Dashavaikalik mentions that a woman who gives a sadhu an open vessel that is hidden by a water pot, millstone, grinding stone, stone child (lodha), mud plaster, or lac, etc., should be prohibited from giving alms. There are three types of this: 1. Sachitt 2. Achitt 3. Mishr. These three have three Chaturbhangis:
1. Mula 466:
> Sachitteṇ va pihidam, adhavā achittgurugapihidam ca. Tam chhanḍiya jam deyam, pihidam tam hodi bodhavvo||
2. Dasha 5/1/45, 46.
3. Pini 256, Mavṛ P. 154.