Tirthankaras, the 12 Cakravartins and others, and ends with the life of Haribhadra >>. It is worth noticing that the author has not mentioned the material on which the ms was written. As we shall see later, the first chapter is divided
into two parts. S. 1 : Palm-leaf ms. of Kahávali part I. It has 307 leaves and its size is 34 X 2
inches. Its granthāgra is 12600 slokas. It was copied in V. S. 1497 (= 1440 A. D.). On leaf 304 Bandhudatta's Kahā is started but it is not completed in the last leaf (307) of the ms. This ms. is corrupt and the copies B and J based on
it are also corrupt. S. 2 : Palm-leaf ms of Kahāvali part II (dvitiyakhanda). It has 302 leaves and its
size is 34 X 2 inches. At the end, the granthāgra of the first chapter is mentioned as 23800. It was copied in V. S. 14... and is also corrupt?.
S. 1 and S. 2 were both deposited in the collection of Sanghavi Pādā Bhandar,
Pātan, now deposited in the Shri Hemacandrācārya Jñāna Mandira, Pātan. And, as Dr. H. C. Bhayani and Dr. R. M. Shah are to edit the K., the mss are now in the L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad.
Here it should be noted that S. 1 and S. 2 are not two parts of one and the same ms: as a matter of fact, S. 1 ends with the story of Bandhudatta and S. 2 begins with the story of Brahmadatta Cakravartin which is prior to the former. Hence we should conclude that S. 1 and S. 2 belong to two different sets of mss, and that the first part of S. 2 as well as the second
rt of S. 1 are lost. Anyhow, we are fortunate to have the first chapter of the K. in a complete form.
No. 13141 in the Oriental Institute, Baroda. It is a modern photocopy of S. 2 made in 1925. Plates 495-603 are equivalent to the original ms, leaves 249-3034
J. 1: A modern copy of palm-leaf ms. S. 1, leaves 1 to 177, kept in the L. D.
Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad. J. 2: A modern copy of palm-leaf ms. S. 2, leaves 232 to 322, also kept in the
L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad.
Both of them have been got prepared by Muni Jinavijayji and donated by him to the L. D. Institute of Indology.
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