two, eight and four types.)
Knowing capability is the distinguishing characteristic of soul. That is its exclusive characteristic, because no lifeless substance has the knowing capability. That capability is termed as Upayog, which is mainly of two types, Säkär (having shape) and Niräkär (shapeless). Sàkär Upayog denotes clarity, while Niräkär stands for relatively faint impression. The former is termed as knowledge, while the latter as perception. Matijnän, Shrutjnän, Avadhijnän, Manahparyayjnän and Kevaljnän are the five types of knowledge. Moreover, there are misleading varieties of the first three types known as Mati-ajnän, Shrut-ajnän and Avadhiajnän or Vibhangajnän. Säkär Upayog therefore consists of those eight types.
Niräkär Upayog pertains to Darshan, which is of the following four types, viz. i) Chakshudarshan, which denotes the impression gained by eyesight, 2) Achakshudarshan, which denotes the impression derived by using other sense organs and/or mind, 3) Avadhidarshan, which denotes clairvoyant perception and 4) Kevaldarshan, which denotes all pervading perception of the omniscient. Niräkär Upayog therefore consists of those four types.
संसारिणो मुक्ताश्च ॥२-१०॥ H41 CAT5474cht: 112-8811 संसारिणस्त्रसस्थावराः ॥२-१२॥ पृथिव्यम्बुवनस्पतयः स्थावराः ॥२-१३॥ तेजोवायू द्वीन्द्रियादयश्च त्रसाः ॥२-१४॥
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