________________ JAIN CONCEPTS OF GEOGRAPHY AND COSMOLOGY In this annexure we propose to analyze the quantitative aspects of Jain geography and cosmology. For that purpose we need to have an idea of its measurement of time and space. Standards of such measurements vary from source to source. The following standards can, however, be considered as generally acceptable. Jain measurement of time starts with Samay, which is an infinitesimal part of a second. Innumerable Samays = 1 Avalika 4446.65 Avalikas = 1 Pulse-beat 7 Pulse-beats = 1 Stok 7 Stoks = 1 Lav 77 Lavs (3773 Pulse-beats) = 1 Muhurta (2 Ghadies or 48 minutes) 30 Muhurts (60 Ghadies) = 1 Day 30 Days = 1 Month 12 Months = 1 Year 8.4 million years = 1 Poorvang Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org