________________ CONCLUSION 217 dichotomy prevailing between human beings and the rest of the nature. The essence of worldly life is interpreted as the endeavor to win bread, shelter and comforts from the nature. By virtue of the scientific development, the human society has virtually secured its requirements of bread and shelter and has also gained reasonable amount of comforts. Its fight for more comforts is still going on and for that purpose it is continually waging war against the nature. With scientific developments at its command, it is now in a position to make concerted efforts : to win more comforts. It is, however, a fact that despite the most careful and meticulous planning and putting in the best possible efforts to implement the same, we do not always get the desired results. Some unknown element happens to come in the way and that changes or spoils our plan. Which factor actually changes the direction of the course baffles the western mind. But for the eastern mind that is not a problem. It has identified that factor as Karma, which motivates and directs our emotions, desires etc. and molds the nature of our activities. The concept of Karma, however, remains misunderstood and misinterpreted in the western world. It is considered abstract, volatile and unscientific. It is interpreted as an excuse for inadequate planning or as something mystical that stays beyond comprehension. Even those, who accept the concept of Karma, tend to identify it with fickleness of luck. Alternately, they treat it as a phenomenon, which punishes miscreants for their evil deeds. It is also thought that we must have been acquiring unwholesome Karma since eternity and might have accumulated a mountain thereof. As such, it would almost be impossible to get freed from that. In a way, the East itself is responsible for such a fatalistic Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org