________________ 210 TATTVARTHA SUTRA released from the embodiment at the time of liberation, it begins its upward movement. क्षेत्रकालगतिलिङ्गतीर्थचारित्रप्रत्येकबुद्धबोधितज्ञानावगाहनान्तरसंख्याऽल्पबहुत्वतः साध्याः // 10-7 // 10.7: Kshetrakalgatilingtirthacharitrapratyekbuddhabodhitjnanavagahanantarsankhya'lpabahutvatah Sadhyah (The liberated souls can be classified in terms of place, time, gender, Tirtha, conduct, Pratyekbuddhabodhit, knowledge, height, interval, numbers, concept of relatively more or less.) In the liberated state all the souls are equal without any differentiating quality. They can, however, be classified differently in light of their previous lives. This sutra mentions the following twelve criteria by which the liberated souls can be classified Place: There are 15 Karmabhoomies (lands, where impact of Karma prevails). Souls can attain liberation from any of them. As such, the liberated ones can be classified as coming from one Karmabhoomi or another. Time: Different souls attain liberation at different times. For instance, Lord Rshabhdev attained it in the beginning of the fourth era. while Lord Mahavir attained it by the end of that era. As such, it can be said that a certain number of souls attained liberation in one or another era. Gati: Heavenly, human, animal and infernal are the four states of the worldly existence. Exercising of the insight required for liberation is, however, practicable only for human Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org