________________ SAMVAR PREVENTION OF KARMA 199 object on the basis of scriptural knowledge. This can be termed as multi-tiered contemplation. ii) Ekatvavitarka Nirvichar: This means contemplating on only one aspect of soul or of any other object on the basis of the knowledge acquired. This can be termed as unitary contemplation. iii) Sookshmakriya Pratipati: This relates to the contemplation of an omniscient Lord, when he forsakes all physical, mental and verbal faculties and resorts to the subtle body. This can be termed as subtle contemplation. iv) Vyuparatakriya Nivitti: This is the contemplation of an omniscient Lord at the time of liberation. That leads to the irreversible stillness of soul. The terms Vitarka and Vichar occurring in the first two categories need explanation. The sutras 45 and 46 state that Vitarka denotes the contemplation based on scriptural knowledge, while Vichar denotes the contemplation, irrespective of the scriptural knowledge, about various terms and their implications and so on, while resorting to physical, verbal or mental faculty. The term Nirvichar therefore denotes the absence of such varying contemplation. In other words, it conveys staying steady on one aspect. सम्यग्दृष्टिश्रावकविरतानन्तवियोजकदर्शनमोहक्षपकोपशमकोपशान्तमोहक्षपकक्षीणमोहजिनाः क्रमशोऽसङ्ख्येयगुणनिर्जराः // 9-47 // 9.47: Samyagdrashtishravakviratanantaviyojakdarshanmohkshapakopashamakopashantmohkshapakkshinamohjinah Kramasho'sankhyeyagunanirjara (Samyagdrashti, Shravak, Virat, Anantanubandhi-viyojak, Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org