________________ 188 TATTVARTHA SUTRA space. The purpose of this austerity is to curtail that tendency and to stay comfortable within a restricted area. ___vi) Kayaklesh: This literally means bearing physical discomfiture. But the term also covers courting the physical hardships. In spiritual pursuit, one may have to face many hardships, which were described under Parishahjay. If the aspirant is not accustomed to bear such hardships, he would not be able to maintain the peace of mind and there cannot be spiritual development without the peace of mind. It is therefore necessary that the spiritual aspirants get used to hardships and physical discomfiture. The main purpose of observing external austerities is to face and get used to the hardships that may arise from time to time. That would enable the spiritual aspirants to observe the peace and tranquility of mind in all the circumstances. That would also enable them to observe the internal austerities. प्रायश्चित्तविनयवैयावृत्त्यस्वाध्यायव्युत्सर्गध्यानान्युत्तरम् // 9-20 // नवचतुर्दशपञ्चद्विभेदं यथाक्रमं प्रागध्यानात् // 9-21 // आलोचनप्रतिक्रमणतदुभयविवेकव्युत्सर्गतपश्छेदपरिहारोपस्थापनानि // 9-22 // ज्ञानदर्शनचारित्रोपचाराः // 9-23 // आचार्योपाध्यायतपस्विशैक्षकग्लानगणकुलसङ्घसाधुसमनोज्ञानाम् // 924 // वाचनाप्रच्छनानुप्रेक्षाऽऽम्नायधर्मोपदेशाः // 9-25 // बाह्याभ्यन्तरोपध्योः // 9-26 // 9.20: Prayashchittavinayvaiyavstyaswadhyayvyutsargadhyananyuttaram Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org