________________ SAMVAR PREVENTION OF KARMA 185 ii) Chhedopasthapan: After adopting the initial initiation when one realizes that he is in a position to observe equanimity and maintain peace of mind, he is initiated for the life. In other words, he is confirmed in the monastic order. If the first stage is considered initiation, this stage can be called ordination. Since the people in that order are supposed to stay in equanimity forever, the monks and nuns are not seen performing the ritual of Samayik. Their vow to stay in Samayik forever is popularly known as Vadi Diksha. iii) Parihar Vishuddhi: This denotes practicing purity and can therefore be termed as a stage of higher purification. Leading the monastic life while undertaking special types of penance and austerities is called Pariharvishuddhi. That involves adopting various hard postures known as Pratimas. iv) Sookshma Samparay: This denotes a subtle degree of defilement. It conveys a stage where all types of defilement are overcome except for very subtle, wholesome attachment. That attachment can stay up to the tenth stage of spiritual elevation. v) Yathakhyat: It means as laid down. That denotes the stage of total detachment, which occurs at the twelfth stage of spiritual elevation. अनशनावमौदर्यवृत्तिपरिसंख्यानरसपरित्यागविविक्तश्य्यासनकायक्लेशा बाह्यं तपः // 9-19 // 9.19: Anashanavamaudaryavrttiparisankhyanrasparityagviviktashayyasankayaklesha Bahyam Tapah (Fasting, eating less than required, curtailing the varieties, control over tastes, lonely habitation and facing the hardships constitute the external austerities.) Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org