________________ 174 TATTVARTHA SUTRA That contemplation can lead to experiencing it as different from the body. xi) Bodhidurlabhatvanupreksha: Bodhi means right guidance, Durlabhatva means rarity. This reflection therefore relates to contemplating that during its infinite wandering the worldly soul has hardly come across the right guidance. Thereby one can make out that if he comes in contact with the right person, he should follow his advice without losing time. He would then be prompted to cast aside his laxity and indolence, xii) Dharmaswakhyatattvanupreksha: Dharma is religion and Swakhyatatva means lucid exposition. This Anupreksha therefore relates to contemplating about the detached Lords, who have gracefully laid the tenets that are helpful in leading towards liberation. Adoring the spiritual aspects laid by the Lords amounts to Dharmaswakhayatattvanupreksha. That is helpful in staying firm on the spiritual path. In simple terms this Anupreksha can be called Dharma Bhavana. By now we have considered Gupti, Samiti, Dharma and Anupreksha as the factors, which help in preventing the incoming of Karma. The next one is termed as Parishahjay. Parishah denotes hardship, discomfort, etc. To face them boldly, to bear them patiently is known as Parishahjay. That is dealt with in sutras 8 to 17. मार्गाच्यवननिर्जरार्थं परिषोढव्याः परीषहाः // 9-8 // 9.8: Margachyavannirjarartham Parishodhavyah Parishahah (Parishah consists of bearing hardships for the sake of Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org