________________ Chapter 9 SAMVAR PREVENTION OF KARMA In the last chapter we considered the concept of bondage. The worldly soul has been acquiring Karma and has been bearing its consequences since the time immemorial and still there is no end in sight. That happens because it has not learnt how to prevent the inflow of Karma and how to eradicate its bondage. This chapter shows how to do that. Since Asrav of Karma is comparable to the dirt coming in a house through its doors and windows, the obvious way to prevent Karma is to close the doors through which it comes in. Graafren: Hal: 118-811 9.1: Asravnirodhah Samvarah (Restraining the Asrav of Karma is Samvar.) This sutra defines Samvar as restraining of Asrav. We had considered different types of restraints in chapter 7. The main purpose of observing the same is to turn back from the evils of violence, lies etc. that work as major obstacles in undertaking spiritual pursuit. To the extent one observes the restraints, the Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org