Ancient Jain scripture Tattvartha Sutra has listed six basic and essential attributes for attaining rational conduct. They are SAMYAM (Self-restraint and Equanimity), SWA-NIYANTRAN (self control and discipline), SAKARATMAK SOCH (positive thinking), NAITIK DRSTIKON (ethical mind-set), KARMA VIJAYA (victory over karmic bondage) and APARIGRAHA. Self-restraint needs to be comprehensive embracing thought, expression and action. Self-control implies meeting bare needs. avoiding greed, wasteful or destructive consumption, exploitatior misuse or abuse of resources, shunning violence and persuading others also not to resort to violence. Positive thinking implis realization of the need to proceed towards ethical way of living which will also pave the way for soul upliftment and eventua: salvation from the cycle of birth and death. Ethical mind-set implies forgiveness, humility, love for truth, compassion towarcis other living beings, and self-less kindness and generosity towaruis the needy. Aparigraha embraces giving up greed, ego, attachmen. and possessive instinct, taking to restrained living in every way. controlling one's desires, wants and passions, and repentance for ill thoughts, deeds and words towards others. Jain scripture SAMAYASAR has emphasized that one may ur may not be a profound scholar, but if one pursues with rationa! conduct, he will be the eventual winner. The access to the trinity of rational perception, knowledge and conduct is the key to be liberated from the karmic bonds and attain self realization Moreover rational approach makes the present life much moro meaningful, happy and content. The trinity of rational outlook can be like radar which could help us at every step to sa ourselves from degeneration, enslavement to passions, immorally and unethical behavior.
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