In the modern fast-paced and commercialized world religion continues to get separated from daily life after turning into a hollow ritual. As a consequence intolerance and violence have increased many-fold. Sensitivity to life, whether animal or human, has declined alarmingly. The need, therefore, is that this trend should be reversed and man should be made more humane not only in relation to man but also for other living breathing creatures. Ahimsa way of life as propagated by Jains provides an effective solution to these and many other problems.
Most of the economic systems today are based only on promoting wants rather than limiting them. This is having serious results. Material goods and money are becoming the measures of man. Internationally, this spirit is leading to regional and world conflicts. Jainism does not subscribe to forced poverty or glorify it, but suggests that wants should be minimized voluntarily and there should be no grabbing at any level.
In the past dogmatism was based on ignorance; now it is caused by certitude arising out of blind rationalism. Jainism has its doctrine of Anekantavad and logic of Syadvad (a seven-fold logic), which replaces certitude with relativity in thinking. According to this principle truth is many faceted. What is right from one viewpoint could be wrong from another. That means even an adversary could be right. Thus there is no place for dogmatism or fanaticism in this doctrine of non-absolutism. This is one of the great contributions of Jainism to world thought. Its application to personal conduct could make the world a safe and harmonious place. Certainly the ideological conflicts that we
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