candra, by a layman Ananda son of Rāmji, at port Surat, at the time of the former's pilgrimage to Girnara on the 1st of Māgha. in Samyat 1785, Saka 1650 Kilaka Samvatsara, equivalent to A. D. 1729. This appears to be the time when the MS. migrated to Kāranjā, its present home.
Peculiarities of the MS. 1. Nasal u occurs four times as frequently as 7. 2. It shows a partiality for 5 in absolute forms such as inaula, atla
etc., and in the scventh-case-ending such as TT, Hau etc.
3. It omits a number of lines that are found in MSS. D and E.
4. It bears glosses on the margin like B and D.
will be said in the sequel.
About this gloss, more
MS. B. This MS. also belongs to the Balātkāra-gana Bhändāra of Karanjā.
Leaves 136 ; size 11" x 5; lines per page 7; letters per line about 28; margin right and left 1)", top and bottom 1". It has no original colophon and no date. At the end, in second hand, wo read HRF1945i To Ho fan FUE I
This Kumudacandra is probably the same as the one mentioned in A and Dharmacandra a co-disciple of Abhayacandra. If this is true, the MS. existed about 1729 A. D. It agrees, almost through-out, with A in its readings and other peculiarities, and bears similar glosses. It is on very thin paper and is now fast wearing out.
MS. C.
This MS. belongs to the Teräpanthi temple of Jaipur. Leaves 49; size 11" x 5"; lines per page vary from 12 to 14; letters in each line about 44; margin all round :". It bears the following colophon :
संवत् १५५८ वर्षे श्रावण सुदि १२ भौमे ॥ ७ ॥ श्रीगोपाचलगढदुर्गे तोमरवंशे अश्वपति गजपति नरपति राज्यत्रयाधिपति महाराजाधिराज श्रीमानसिंधदेवाः तद्राज्यप्रवर्तमाने श्रीमूलसंघे बलात्कारगणे सरस्वतीगच्छ कुंदकंदाचार्यान्वये भट्टारकश्रीप्रभाचन्द्रदेवाः तत्प? भट्टारकश्रीपद्मनंदिदेवा भट्टारकश्रीशुभचंद्रदेवा भट्टारकश्रीजिनचंद्रदेवाः aglad that graad ang 91715 HIP Hideya ( family details ) pagi ah JAI ARTकमार पंचमी लिखापितं ज्ञानावरणीकर्मक्षयार्थ । ज्ञानवान ज्ञानदानेन etc.
From this we learn that the MS. was completed on Tuesday, the 12th of the bright fortnight of Srävana, in Samvat 1558, equivalent to 1501 A. D., at Gopācala (Gwāliar ), during the regin of Mahārāja Mānasimha of Tomara dynasty. It was written for a layman of the Jaisawala family which had, for its spiritual guidance, the following line of teachers -
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